During the Spring 2013 Legislative Session, the Illinois General Assembly passed 595 bills. Currently, 277 bills are still pending the Governor’s action.

The good news is that Governor Quinn has signed most of our 2013 legislative priorities into law. The following bills have been signed into law:

Criminal Justice

HB 3061, Illinois Sealing Criminal Records—Expands sealing of non-violent felony records to include Class 3 felonies so that thousands of people across our state will have the opportunity for employment, housing, and education, enabling them to put their lives back together, take care of their families, and contribute to their communities. Sealing petitions to the court can be made four years after the individual’s release as long as there has been no further contact with law enforcement. 
Action: House: PASSED 65-35 on 4/19/13. Senate: PASSED 42-13 on 5/22/13. Signed by Governor: 8/2/13, Public Act 98-0142.

Economic Justice

HB 2262, Eliminate the Asset Limit on TANF—Saves Illinois nearly $1 million annually, while removing a significant barrier that prevents Illinois’ families who are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) from saving money and becoming financially independent. Previously, the “asset test” was part of the eligibility standards for TANF in Illinois and meant that a family of three could not own more than $3,000 in savings.
Action: House: PASSED 62-55 on 4/16/13. Senate: PASSED 32-21 on 5/21/13. Signed by Governor: 7/29/13, Public Act 98-0114.

Health Care Justice

SB 26, Expand Medicaid Eligibility—Closes the historic eligibility gap in Medicaid and provides health care to over 342,000 Illinoisans who are currently uninsured. SB 26 will save our state $953 million in uncompensated care costs over the next ten years and bring in $4.6 billion in federal funding over the next three years through the Affordable Care Act. This bill will also improve health outcomes and lower the cost of care in the Illinois Medicaid Program.
Action: Senate: PASSED 40-19 on 2/18/13Concurrence PASSED 39-20 on 5/28/13. House: PASSED 63-55 on 5/27/13. Signed by Governor: 7/22/13, Public Act 98-0104.

HB 1, Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act—Creates a four-year program during which individuals with serious and/or chronic diseases can buy limited amounts of medical marijuana from state-licensed dispensaries.
Action: House: PASSED 61-57 on 4/17/13. Senate: PASSED 35-21 on 5/17/13. Signed by Governor: 8/1/13, Public Act. 98-0122.

Environmental Justice

SB 1715, Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act—Creates some of the most stringent regulations on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in the nation and contains comprehensive provisions to protect water quality, assure transparency, and promote public involvement. Previously, there were no regulations in Illinois for fracking.
Action: House: PASSED 108-9 on 5/30/13. Senate: PASSED 52-3 on 5/31/13. Signed by Governor: 6/17/13, Public Act 98-0022.

Still Pending

Two of our priority bills are still awaiting the Governor’s signature: HB 1189, The Gun Safety and Responsibility Act, which closes the loophole on background checks and requires the reporting of lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement and SB 1872, which eliminates the felony enhancement for prostitution. Find out the latest news and opportunities for taking action by liking us on facebook and following us on twitter.




New Gun Laws in Illinois