Community Organizing for Revitalization

One of my congregants recently said that churches are doing plenty of good charity work for those who are in need, but little work to change the systems that made them need in the first place. I would say that’s a fair assessment.

There are numerous justice outlets in addition to charity work such as movement, protest, political/advocacy, and community organizing.

In my opinion, one of the best methods of lasting and meaningful change is community organizing (CO). In CO we are looking to create relational power in places where it is lacking in order to construct fair and equitable systems by organizing people and money. By using tools such as relational meetings (one-on-ones), actions (any intentional movement toward achieving the goal), and power analyses (determining who really holds power within a system) we can win power for those who need it.

I love that CO is such a great vehicle for justice work, but I also love that it is a wonderful toolbox for congregational revitalization. By learning who the real power players are in your congregation (not necessarily those with titles, but those who can activate people when needed), you can lead change without resistance. If you have your congregants doing one-on-one meetings with each other creating deep relationship, there is more cohesiveness as you move into the future as a single body. When you have intentional movement toward a particular cause that is joined with motivation by not only those within the congregation, but also those in the community, you have a church that has come alive.

Broad based organizing through congregations has built affordable housing, hospitals, mental health resources, crisis response units, stronger schools, equitable lending, and so much more. It has engaged directly in building the Kin-dom of God. Want to learn how to get involved or learn more about it? Give me a holler!

God’s Peace On the Journey,

Rev. Brandyn Simmons, MBA, MGCM, MDiv., PCC
Executive Director
Generations Care Partners Foundation


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