Reflecting on the Highland Park Parade Shooting One Year Later

The Highland Park Parade shooting on July 4, 2022, stands as a tragic event that shook our Chicagoland community to its core. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of our children and communities as a result of these senseless acts of violence. As Community Renewal Society (CRS) reflects upon the invaluable lives that were lost, the trauma inflicted upon the community and the epidemic of gun violence in the United States, we are determined to cultivate positive change and strive for a society where such occurrences become a thing of the past. 

As people of faith, we cannot help but be struck by the inhumanity of the Highland Park Parade shooting. Parades are intended to be joyful, community-centered events that bring people together. They are celebrations of togetherness, diversity and shared values. The fact that such a violent act occurred during a moment of collective celebration and unity underscores the indiscriminate nature of gun violence and the need for concerted efforts to address its root causes. 

The anniversary of the Highland Park Parade shooting calls our CRS member congregations and other advocates of gun reform to remain committed to combatting gun-related violence. By addressing the root causes of violence, fostering collaboration and healing through resilience and reconciliation, we will build Beloved Community and a better future for God’s children. We must take action now if we wish to be a part of a society where human lives can flourish, free from the grip of senseless violence. 


In Honor of Those Lost, 

Community Renewal Society Staff 

Next Steps 

  1. Prioritize legislation advocating for bans on assault weapons and implement stricter gun laws across all ages. Tell your Senators to take bipartisan action on background checks.  

  2. Organize and engage in voting rights advocacy in federal, state and local municipalities.  Contact your Senators for the swift passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to protect each person’s voice and vote.  

  3. Read our blog articles on gun violence.  

Resources for Gun Violence 

1. How to Talk to Kids About School Shootings  

2. What Parents Can Do to Aid Scared Kids in Processing Grief and Fear in a Healthy Way 

Disclaimer: This article was written with the help of the ChatGPT language model developed by OpenAI. 




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