Reflection & Prayer of Joy

"When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." -Matthew 2:10-11 CEB

"Come and Get It". This phrase has lasted through the centuries. It was yelled with bells accompanying the holler, usually to indicate that a meal completed cooking and was ready to be eaten. The yell went out as a clarion call to those who needed and wanted to get to that meal that provided sustenance for their bodies to recharge from work done or energize for work to be done.

A call. A meal. But there is a space, time, distance, a thing that happens between "the call" and "the meal". That "thing", I suggest, and Matthew confirms, is "Joy". 

For everyone running to the table upon hearing "Come and Get it", everyone has different thoughts, wants and needs going through them as they rush to the table. When they saw the star, they were filled with Joy. Each of the three had their professional obligations to make the journey; but what about their individual reasons? Why were they seeking sustenance? What were they feeling as they were on their journey to see Jesus?


The Joy of knowing Hope was awaiting them. Peace was awaiting them. Love was awaiting them. The matchless Joy that the star was the "it" they were "coming" to. The anticipation flowing through them as they were guided by the call of the star to reach the Joy that was, is and forever will be Jesus.

Joy was that thing the three were feeling knowing that the something that was awaiting was a promise from God. And when they reached the source of that Joy, with gladness, they fell to their knees to honor the child that was all they ever wanted and needed. They came face-to-face with boundless Hope, inconceivable Joy, perfect Peace, and indescribable Love. And as they did, they offered the child the best they had, all that they had.


This Advent season, Sisters and Brothers, let us remember that anticipatory Joy. Let us remember that there is a Joy so powerful that it can make us fall to our knees. Let us live in that Joy, the Joy between receiving the call and reaching the one who calls us. Let us remember that there is a Joy so inclusive, so inviting, so wonderful that there is room for us all, that not only calls us, but just as Jesus did for the wise three, is waiting for us. Joy. Beautiful and wondrous Joy.



To Our God we offer thanks. We thank you for that star that announced the coming of our Savior so many years ago. Witnessed by the wise three, we thank you for their journey that was in response to that starry call. Just as then, we thank you now, for the destination at the end of the journey that is Jesus Christ.

In this season of Advent, a time of celebration to prepare for Jesus, we ask that Jesus bring the Joy to all of those who have lost sight of, forgotten, and have had the light of the world shadow their souls.

This year has been a harsh year for many to take. We pray today that, just as the journey was harsh in the time that Matthew writes, we seek and see the Joy that illuminates not just our path, but also our lives.

In awe at the Joy you deem us worthy to behold, in the name whose Joy has no equal, in the name that is the answer to a prayer, in the name of Jesus, we say, Amen.

By Rev. Damon Smith
Congregational Organizer
Community Renewal Society


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